
Keep in touch

Women, Subimal Palit their woes

Author: Subimal Palit
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788182535107
Pub. Date: 2014
Price: $25

The author in his youth had seen his mother shedding tears due to negligence from his father. He was the eldest of 5 children, close to mother. It was woes in her mind who was loved by her husband and bore 5 child. As time when she loses her glamour , father loses interest in mother. In later life he has seen similar problem in women, may be in different form. After retirement having ample time at disposal he took the project to probe into the hearts of women all round the world. In school time he used to write to Pen Pals on snail mail. Now that internet being became handy he logged in a Pen Pal portal and sought women Pen Pals to volunteer in sharing their woes in mind for his book. In 5 months he got response from as many as 100 Pen Pals, age ranging from 17 65 .

Author BIO
Subimal Palit

The author at has come across large number of women. Among them notably his mother. His experience sums up "By and large most women suffers from oppression in men dominated society. Worst suffers are in Islamic countries." His conviction is now confirm from about 70 Pen Pals choose from all over the world.

Other Publication By Subimal Palit

Women, Subimal Palit their woes

Women, Subimal Palit their woes
Subimal Palit
ISBN: 9788182535107


Rhythm in life

Rhythm in life
Subimal Palit
ISBN: 9788182535510



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