
Keep in touch

The Statesman

Author: Piro d'Artabria
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788182535091
Pub. Date: 2014
Price: $12

There is no doubt that all poems included in the poetry collection make it evident that the poet is a very impressive artist. These poems reveal remarkable skill and simplicity of style. Here we find a graceful and harmonious movement of language. The spontaneous and profound emotions are nowhere more exquisitely revealed than in these poems which are, in many respects, quite unique.

Author BIO
Piro d'Artabria

Piro d'Artabria is the pen name of an international professional from Spain. He has held several positions as jurist, consultant, business executive, lecturer in the fields of Law and European Union issues. Nowadays he is the Managing Director of the Spanish association of firms devoted to banking outsourcing, a seasoned expert in e-Government and Corporate Social Responsibility for public authorities and corporations as well.

Other Publication By Piro d'Artabria

The Statesman

The Statesman
Piro d'Artabria
ISBN: 9788182535091



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