
Keep in touch

Beloved Bread and Butter and other Stories

Author: Chaitanya Vyas
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789381696521
Publisher: Rochak Publishing
Pub. Date: 2014
Price: $12

I met James Smith when he was transferred as a Judge to the Delhi session court, where I had been practicing as a lawyer. During his career, he had been transferred to almost all the major cities of India. My eagerness to know how a British man views India coupled with his willingness to share his Indian experience with me made us friends in no time. He looked like a strict captain of the British army but he had a very soft heart. When India got independence from British ruling, he had to leave this country but we promised to be in touch by writing to each other.

Author BIO
Chaitanya Vyas

Chaitanya Vyas is PhD and holds over eight years teaching, research and training experience. He has published two books five research papers. He is a Founding Member of The Asia Pacific Writers & Translators Association. Besides writing, he is fond of reading, writing, and of visual arts. He lives in Ahmedabad with his wife and two little twin daughters.

Other Publication By Chaitanya Vyas

Beloved Bread and Butter and other Stories

Beloved Bread and Butter and other Stories
Chaitanya Vyas
ISBN: 9789381696521



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