
Keep in touch

From Earth to Eternity

Author: Dr. Rex Roger
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788182533813
Pub. Date: 2014
Price: $20

There is chaos in the modern world. There is anarchy. People are confused about the role of men and women. Technology is advancing at a rapid pace. There is conflict of religion, rise of terrorism and fanaticism. Yet the world has become a smaller place with quick and fast exchange of ideas. With internet and fax, messages are sent across the world. With tele conferencing people are meeting across continents. With out sourcing people of various countries talk on a daily basis.

Author BIO
Dr.Rex Roger

There is chaos in the modern world. There is anarchy. People are confused about the role of men and women. Technology is advancing at a rapid pace. There is conflict of religion, rise of terrorism and fanaticism. Yet the world has become a smaller place with quick and fast exchange of ideas. With internet and fax, messages are sent across the world. With tele conferencing people are meeting across continents. With out sourcing people of various countries talk on a daily basis

Other Publication By Dr.Rex Roger

From Earth to Eternity

From Earth to Eternity
Dr. Rex Roger
ISBN: 9788182533813



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