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Code of Silence A Memoir

Author: Julia Linden
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788182535046
Pub. Date: 2014
Price: $14

Wedding in Malinovka. Without that 1967 charming Soviet comedy she would have only existed in her mother's imagination, for that's what her mother wanted: a daughter of her own. And don't we, in our imagination, always think positive? So it happensthat on a wet and gray afternoon in May, Anna proposes to Vladimir, just like that, on the way out of the cinema. And who can refuse such a cavalier proposal, especially in the foggy gloom of a Northern spring? They marry in October and in July she makes her entrance ...

Author BIO
Julia Linden

I have been writing for as long as I can remember. Born in Leningrad, now St. Petersburg, Russia, I grew up in Chicago, Illinois. I have a B.S. from Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, M.A. in English Literature from King's College, London and a J.D. from Loyola School of Law, Chicago, Illinois and a CELTA for Teaching English as a Second Language. I worked as a lawyer and teacher in Europe before returning to the U.S. I now live in New York City.

Other Publication By Julia Linden

Code of Silence A Memoir

Code of Silence A Memoir
Julia Linden
ISBN: 9788182535046


The Road from El Cerval

The Road from El Cerval
Julia Linden
ISBN: 9788182535121



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