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Taj Mahal Review VOL. 13 NUMBER 1 JUNE 2014

Edited by: Dr. Santosh Kumar
Binding: Paperback
ISSN: 09726004
Pub. Date: 2014
Price: $25

Welcome to Taj Mahal Review June 2014!  No doubt,  the TMR  for several years  has tried its best to promote  contemporary creative poets and artists. This issue includes poems, haiku, short stories and artwork by both famous and  unknown  creative artists across the globe. I have always endeavored  to select  for TMR only those poems that reveal the poet’s passion for Truth and Beauty in an impassioned language.  

Some of the poems included in this issue reveal  poststructural attitude. We all know that structuralism was based on the main premise that the structure of human world can be well understood by the structure of language. But during 1960s, the post structural authors,  philosophers raised doubts about the validity of the language itself to unravel the mysteries and obstinate questionings about our universe. Foucalt aptly remarked that god was crumbling under our feet. The fact is that The poststructural authors are attracted by themes like Marxism, feminism, Nihilism and anarchism.

It is very sad to know that  two Nobel  Laureates died  recently.  Doris Lessing, the British Nobel Laureate, famous  for her immortal works “The Golden Notebook” and “The Grass is Singing”,  died aged 94 on November 17, 2013.  Her works are imperishable  due to “skepticism, fire and visionary power.” Another tragedy occurred as the Colombian Nobel laureate Gabriel García Márquez, one of the greatest and unique contemporary writers, passed away on April 17, 2014 at the age of 87.  His most famous  novel “One Hundred Years of Solitude” (1967) sold more than 50 million copies in more than 25 languages. He always felt that being awarded Nobel prize would be a catastrophe because his private life would be severely invaded. I along with Karunesh Agarwal and Cyberwit staff express my deep condolence at this great loss to their families. 

I am highly indebted to all creative artists and poets included in this edition of TMR.  The fact is that without their generous support and kind cooperation this  publication would never have been possible. Many sincere thanks again for their kind help.




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Taj Mahal Review VOL. 13 NUMBER 1 JUNE 2014

Taj Mahal Review VOL. 13 NUMBER 1 JUNE 2014
Dr. Santosh Kumar
ISBN: 09726004




Conor Wrigley


Amit Singh


Andrew McIntyre

D. R. Prescott

Eric Tessier

George Djuric

Gustaf Berger

James R. Kincaid

Michael R. Lane

Philip Keogh

Richard Araujo

Sandeep Kumar Kar

Steve Mogg

Steve Morris

Tabitha Smith


Aditya Kumar Panda

Albert Russo

Anuradha Bhattacharyya

Bharath Bhushan Reddy

Bharti Iyer

Bill Wolak

Doc Drumheller

Douglas Cole

Floriana Hall

Fran Shaw

Gayathri Jayakumar

Howard Winn


Jaydeep Sarangi

Keneshie Morrison

Maria do Céu Pires Costa

Mayur Varshney

Metod Cesek

Moshé Liba


Olfa Drid

Paul Brucker

Piro d’Artabria

Pooja Pradeep

Pranjal Begwani

Prem Kumar

Rachid Acim

Rajeshwari Srinivasan

Reetika Gupta

Richard Araujo

Rob Harle

Ruchika Sharma

S. Bhuvaneshwari

Sheri Vandermolen

Sneha Sundaram

Sourya Acharya

Steve Kilmer

Sushmita Roy

Suzie Palmer

Taha Kehar

Tejal Ravindra Kakade

Trupti Arabatti

Utsa Mukherjee

Varun Nehru


Archana Kapoor Nagpal

Ban’ya Natsuishi


Devin Harrison

James Roderick Burns

Jay Friedenberg

Johannes S. H. Bjerg

John J. Han

John McDonald

Mohsen Farsani

Santosh Kumar

Sayumi Kamakura

Suzie Palmer

Tad Wojnicki


Dwarakanathan Ravi

Ranjana Balachandra Pai

Rob Harle



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