
Keep in touch

Dawn To Dusk

Author: Ayin M. Adams
Binding: Paperback (pp: 94)
ISBN: 978-81-8253-145-1
Pub. Date: 2009
Price: $15

Teaching, editing, writing, re-writing, and polishing the poetry of these young poets has touched me with a smiling enchantment for the genuine quality of their finished poems. These student poets have worked hard and earned every right to be called “published poets.”  Many of them have won local awards for their work and will read before the Mayor of Maui County.

These girls, still in their early teenage years, continuously raise the bar and surprise all who read their work with their maturity and depth. In class, I am always happily confronted with the solid basic talent they exude. Many demonstrate a talent that has the potential of growing to greatness in their adult lives.  Who knows but one day one of these girls may become a Pulitzer Prize winner or Poet Laureate!  

Their inspiration is found in the universal themes of freedom, friendship and young blooming love, but they also dare to tackle the injustice and the hardships of the society we live in today.

This book is a must read for everyone who works with, lives with, or cares about young people.  It gives all of us a good feeling about the positive attitude of this generation and renewed hope for the future.

Author BIO
Ayin Adams

Ayin M. Adams, native New Yorker began writing poetry at age five and selling them on her street corner in Brooklyn for twenty-five cents. With much success, she quickly increased her sales to fifty cents as passerbys' enjoyed her work. Winner of the Pat Parker memorial poetry-prize and the Audre Lorde memorial prose-prize. Ayin has been published in numerous anthologies and magazines in the U.S. and U.K. Ayin released two poetry CD's: The Color Of Her Tears and The Woods Deep Inside Me also available in paperback. Ayin holds a Ph.D. in Metaphysics and believes that everyone has the wherewithal to surpass oneself in life by suiting up, showing up, and following through. She makes her home in Maui, Hawaii.

Other Publication By Ayin Adams

Dawn To Dusk

Dawn To Dusk
Ayin M. Adams
ISBN: 978-81-8253-145-1


Walking Through My Fire

Walking Through My Fire
Ayin M. Adams
ISBN: 81-8253-059-8


Grafitti Dreams

Grafitti Dreams
Ayin Adams
ISBN: 978-0-9843261-1-2


African Americans In Hawai`i: A Search For Identity

African Americans In Hawai`i: A Search For Identity
Ayin M. Adams
ISBN: 978-0-9841228-1-3



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