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Ceremony of Innocence and Other Stories

Author: Anil Prasad
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788182533295
Pub. Date: 2014
Price: $14

There was a man. And there was a woman. They used to collect things for someone who was still not there. They kept those things with care, with hope for that someone who was still not there perhaps still in the making. The hope with them was like a child always walking with them and it grew with them without leaving them alone for a moment. One day the woman found a small conch on a beach and kept it with hope for that someone . It so happened that after a few years, the man also found a big conch on the beach. The big conch also found a place in their home.

Author BIO
Anil Prasad

Anil Prasad, PhD, professor of English, has a distinguished career as a teacher who has taught in India, Yemen and Libya. He has been invited to present papers at international conferences in universities in India, Turkey, China, Portugal, Austria, Canada, the Middle East and the US.

Other Publication By Anil Prasad

Ceremony of Innocence and Other Stories

Ceremony of Innocence and Other Stories
Anil Prasad
ISBN: 9788182533295



Anil Prasad
ISBN: 9788182534971



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