
Keep in touch

Leftover Ink

Author: Poorva Trikha
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788182534650
Pub. Date: 2014
Price: $14

Poetry, as we all know, is the finest form of linguistic art. This collection includes poems that I have written over a period of last ten years. Always a closet poet, I have seldom put my poems in front of connoisseurs of poetry for their reviews, for the sheer reason that these poems hold a private and scared part of my being. In today s fast pacing life and hurrying by moments, just like others do, I too have to fulfill my obligations to my family and the society around. After meeting the practical demands of my life since last few years such as taking course examinations, making monetary calculations, checking students answer books etc., whatever part of ink remained behind in my writing device i.e. the leftover ink, I took the luxury of spending it giving voice to my inner feelings. Hence, the title of this collection. Leftover ink signifies not only what was leftover in the ink pot at the closure of the day but also what was leftover in my inner being after the drainage done by operating discourse and social pressures. This leftover ink gave me the liberty to give way to my unspoken impressions of the world i.e. it gave my perceptions an opportunity to sublimate and all my thoughts were then left over ink.

Author BIO
Poorva Trikha

Poorva Trikha is a linguaphile and currently working as an Associate Professor of English at MCM DAV College, Chandigarh. Expressive by nature, she began writing poetry when she was 12 years old. Her poems and articles have been published in India's National Newspapers and Magazines.

Other Publication By Poorva Trikha

Leftover Ink

Leftover Ink
Poorva Trikha
ISBN: 9788182534650



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