
Keep in touch

the art of Productive Ageing

Author: J.B.Nandlal
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 978-8182534711
Pub. Date: 2013
Price: $11

This book is dedicated to fellow senior citizens who are in their Golden years of life who has the courage to emphasise ability instead of disability and represents an evolution in attitude about what it means to be old. Thirty years ago, older adults were seen primarily in their disease. In a shift from negative model to a positive model -- from looking at older people as medical objects to seeing their capabilities and wisdom....we have recognized that no matter how frail, their contribution is valuable. A fear of growing old pervades our society ....young is beautiful and old is ugly ..this attitude has deeply ingrained our culture and our economy. After all we throw old things as they are too difficult to mend . New ones are more desirable and up to date.... Those who don't understand normal ageing may view all older adults as frail and prone to falling and therefore liability risk. It is a Myth ....while ageing is inescapable.....the older adults can age productively by celebrating their capabilities, potential and social and economic contribution and should be appreciated as assets to a community..

Author BIO
J. B. Nandlal

Mr. J.B.Nandlal, a senior citizen  based in Mumbai  had graduated in hotel management in India and further in U.K. During his active working life, he held senior management positions in hospitality industry for more than three decades, subsequently he operated as hospitality management consultant for two decades , coordinating projects for  hotels, airline on board services, food & beverage chains  etc. in Bangalore, Hyderabad, Goa, Mumbai, Pune, Kolkata, Ahmedabad and other places.

Other Publication By J. B. Nandlal

The Power of Dialogue

The Power of Dialogue
ISBN: 978-8192801056


the art of Productive Ageing

the art of Productive Ageing
ISBN: 978-8182534711



J. B. Nandlal
ISBN: 9788192818702


The Ultimate Success

The Ultimate Success
J.B. Nandlal
ISBN: 978-8182536531


The Smart Manager

The Smart Manager
J.B. Nandlal
ISBN: 9788182536562


Facts of Life: that can not change

Facts of Life: that can not change
J. B. Nandlal
ISBN: 9789386653079



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