
Keep in touch

Between Seasons

Author: Uma Asopa
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788182534698
Pub. Date: 2013
Price: $15

These poems in the poetry collection leave no doubt in our minds that the poet is a great artist. The poet’s mastery of words is remarkable. All these poems reveal the concrete and artistic expression of the poet’s various moods and thoughts in emotional and rhythmic language.  

Author BIO
Uma Asopa

Uma Asopa is a pediatrician by profession. A mother of two daughters she lives in Ahmedabad, India with her husband. Poetry to Uma is a means of relating to herself and her environment -- a conversation she uses to address the subtle and the unheard, a canvas to paint the extraordinary in the day to day. While a number of her poems have been published in online journals and magazines this is the first book of her collection. 

Other Publication By Uma Asopa

Between Seasons

Between Seasons
Uma Asopa
ISBN: 9788182534698



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