Taj Mahal Review VOL. 12 NUMBER 2 DEC 2013
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Taj Mahal Review VOL. 12 NUMBER 2 DEC 2013
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Happy New Year. Welcome to this issue of Taj Mahal Review. It is a great pleasure to acknowledge, with a very deep sense of gratitude, the cooperation and help of the creative artists included in this edition. I am so grateful to the authors included in the December 2013 Taj Mahal Review. In this issue I have done my level best to include excellent contemporary artwork, modern and postmodern creative writing including poems, haiku, book reviews and several other interesting features. Since the inaugural issue of this journal devoted to Art and Poetry, I have been receiving a very large number of poems, short stories, art work, paintings and photos. The decision to publish is fundamentally a decision to publish the best. No doubt, TMR is trying its best to bring modern poems to poetry lovers and new readers across the world. Great poetry always expresses vital truth using ‘the best words in the best order’ in simple and natural style. “A poem begins with a lump in the throat, a home-sickness or a love-sickness. It is a reaching-out toward expression; an effort to find fulfillment. A complete poem is one where the emotion has found its thought and the thought has found the words” (Robert Frost). Congratulations to Alice Munro, the famous Canadian short-story writer, for wining the 2013 Nobel prize in literature. Her ‘mastery of the form’ and ‘finely tuned storytelling’ are amazing and most admirable. An increasingly large number of innocent people killed or injured due to excessive violence in several countries is quite painful and shocking. The following lines by Philip Britts will inspire us and make certain that we stand on the word of God: Through the earth there runs a challenge Clearer than the trumpet call: “Oh, forsake your ancient folly, Build the Brotherhood of all. “Seek the city that God buildeth, City of the heart and hand, Not beyond the grave of shadow, Here on earth, in your own land.” Many Thanks again to all creative artists included in this edition. Happy New Year. SANTOSH KUMAR Editor