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Through a Girl's Eyes

Author: Surbhi Grover
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788192801025
Pub. Date: 2013
Price: $15

In the poetry collection, we find a marvelously spontaneous lyrical power. The poems are full of passionate, concrete imagery and a rich allusiveness. The style of the poet is simple and beautifully apt. These poems reveal a variety and spontaneity of deep feelings.

Review by Sadhika Baveja

So I recently read Through A Girl's Eyes, a collection of poems by a young girl who I must say is a fantastic writer. It's amazing to know that she has been writing since she was 9 and yet her poems reflect immense maturity . She has beautifully put the feelings and thoughts of every teenage girl into words which I must say is not an easy task. She has divided her book into sections, like, family, love, God and so on. The poems in the Love and God sections are so intense and have brought out the best of the poet in her. The poems are simple yet beautiful and expressive. A Great read !

Author BIO
Surbhi Grover

Surbhi Grover, an aviation enthusiast, is currently pursuing her graduation from Hindu College. She loves to travel and write. Born and raised in Delhi, she has been writing poetry since she was 9.

Other Publication By Surbhi Grover

Through a Girl's Eyes

Through a Girl's Eyes
Surbhi Grover
ISBN: 9788192801025



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