
Keep in touch

Face The Truth

Author: Anumay Raychaudhuri
Binding: Paperback (pp: 66)
ISBN: 978-8182531895
Pub. Date: 2010
Price: $12

In these poems I wanted to say this only which is written exclusively in last eight years out of which the first four years I passed the phases which prompts one to take away one’s own life, but only prayed to God to help me out and this was also a selfish attitude of a human being to remember the almighty in trouble.

Author BIO
Anumay Raychaudhuri

Born in the year 1966, 5th of January in Howrah district of West Bengal. Studied in the school named Swamy Vivekananda Institution. Later on studied Wireless telegraphy and telephony to join Merchant Shipping as Radio Officer. With the advent of modern technology the old technology of wireless telegraphy was phased out which compelled me to study electrical and electronics to join as electrical officer onboard ship.

Other Publication By Anumay Raychaudhuri

Face The Truth

Face The Truth
Anumay Raychaudhuri
ISBN: 978-8182531895



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