
Keep in touch

Petals of Roses

Author: Dr. Amit Singh
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788182534629
Pub. Date: 2013
Price: $15

This book contains poetry which shows as life has different aspects, few bright and few dark but not beyond the life, one should realize that the same rose has many petals which grow and live together and in every circumstances and weather till their life they smell only. The poems of the book are divided into different categories like spiritual, religious, inspirational, love, patriotic, optimistic etc. and scattered in the book here and there as the petals sprinkled on the threshold of a temple.



Author BIO
Dr. Amit Singh

The poet, a native of Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, whose poems are included in the present volume was sent to earth on 11 May 1982. He, after completing his post graduation in English Literature from M. J. P. Rohilkhand University, Bareilly, successfully awarded the Ph. D. degree in 2006 from the same university. Since then, he worked at different places, he joined Department of Applied English at M.J.P. Rohilkhand University, Bareilly, worked there for one year and Government Girls P. G. College, Deoria for two years. Since 2010 he is working in the capacity of Assistant Professor and Head, Department of English, S. P. P. G. College, Shohratgarh, Siddharthnagar, Uttar Pradesh.

Other Publication By Dr. Amit Singh

Petals of Roses

Petals of Roses
Dr. Amit Singh
ISBN: 9788182534629



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