
Keep in touch

Magical Poems

Author: Aditi Upmanyu
Binding: Paperback (pp: 55)
ISBN: 978-81-903812-5-3
Pub. Date: 2010
Price: $13

This book is a collection of contemporary poems. Poetry, which is often associated with words like archaic or dry, but poetry holds its relevance maximum in the twenty first century. People often prompted me that poetry doesn’t sell. And I would always be thankful to Rochak Publishing for letting me break the stereotype and be expressive. Poetry is one of the best means to convey deep messages and my poems are a small effort to do so. Each line that I’ve composed comes from my heart and is pure in terms of the originality of my thoughts. You are never too old or young to read a poem or even compose a one. Since kindergarten a child is made to learn nursery rhymes and then grows up reading works of PB Shelley, Emily Dickinson and William Shakespeare. The reason is simple. Since times immemorial, poetry has always been a form of not just expressing one’s thoughts but also imbuing them within the heart. My poems deal with different topics including humour, motivation, hopes and relations. The poems do not intend to hurt any religion, caste, creed, sex, community or individual.

Author BIO
Aditi Upmanyu

Reading and writing prose and poetry has always been a passion. Though I hold no degrees of literature, I’ve achieved enough in terms of knowledge, vocabulary and writing skills. Literature, of any language, is a part through which I’ve developed my personality. I’m in class tenth and I’d seen the dream of getting my book out five years back. But perhaps I saw it with open eyes, now. I still dream of being a distinguished writer and I would try my best to give the most succulent pieces of literature in the upcoming times.

Other Publication By Aditi Upmanyu

Magical Poems

Magical Poems
Aditi Upmanyu
ISBN: 978-81-903812-5-3



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