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The Great Journey of Discoveries

Author: Eknoor Singh & Saksham Singhal
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788182534667
Pub. Date: 2013
Price: $14

This is a fictitious story of the history of mankind. This is set in an era when things were not what they appear now, an era where none of the obvious things of today were known to mankind. This is a story of a young boy aged 10 who finds himself alone... all alone in the world. He is considered unlucky, so unlucky that even his own people abandon him. This gives him a determination to prove himself to the world and he embarks on a journey. A journey that turns out to be a wonderful and adventurous journey of discoveries. During this journey, he finds many dangerous things that he never saw before; and meets strangers who change his life forever. Read on to immerse yourself into an enchanting experience of fun and thrill.

Author BIO
Eknoor Singh

Eknoor Singh, a student of Delhi Public School, Gurgaon is having diverse interests. He has many accolades and awards including medals, trophies from Science, Maths and English Olympiads as well as extracurricular activities like interschool quiz, Just a Minute, Debates. He's born to mother and father both university gold medallists in the fields of Computer Science and Bio-technology respectively. 

Saksham Singhal

Saksham Singhal is a VI standard student of Delhi Public School, Gurgaon. Saksham is an avid reader with diverse interests including Science Fiction, Mysteries & Adventure and Scientific Literature. He has keen interests in Science and Mathematics and has achieved special recognition in state as well as national level competitions.  Writing short stories and poems started as his way of expressing his learnings and emotions, and he has written many short stories and poems. 

Other Publication By Saksham Singhal

The Great Journey of Discoveries

The Great Journey of Discoveries
Eknoor Singh & Saksham Singhal
ISBN: 9788182534667



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