
Keep in touch

Let Silence Speak

Author: Dr Dipanita Gargava
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 978-8182534377
Pub. Date: 2013
Price: $15

As we look at life through our own eyes, all we see is what pertains to ourselves. But if we take a moment to look at life through the eyes of another the world begins to become more clear and focused. So, I ask that as you begin the journey through this book that you open your mind and look t through the eyes of the passion that the author has shown. The contents of this work are not only full of passion but also full of the author s personal life experience. This poetry takes a look not only at life but also spirituality from more than one point of view. At times there was pain, there was grief and disappointment. I was discouraged but still in some corner of the heart there was a ray of hope that one day I might be successful in bringing out this book and that day the world will realize my efforts. The journey has taken the final shape with the efforts of Mukesh and Harshi.

Author BIO
Dipanita Gargava

Dr Dipanita Gargava was born (b Aug 63) and brought up at Baidyabati, a small town in the Hooghly district of West Bengal. She graduated from Shrirampore College and completed post graduation from Shri Hari Sing Gaur Vishwa Vidhyalaya, Sagar.There after she completed her M.Phil and Doctors in Philosophy in English from Devi Ahilya Vishwavidhyalaya, Indore. 

Other Publication By Dipanita Gargava

Let Silence Speak

Let Silence Speak
Dr Dipanita Gargava
ISBN: 978-8182534377


Unheard Voices

Unheard Voices
Dr Dipanita Gargava
ISBN: 9789388125291



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