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Dinosaurs Live Among Us

Author: D Everett Newell
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789381696378
Publisher: Rochak Publishing
Pub. Date: 2013
Price: $20

The most admirable thing about the poems included in the poetry collection Dinosaurs Live Among Us by D Everett Newell is their energy, passion and deep power of vivid description. The poems are full of mellifluousness. Due to so much attractive variety, these poems are without monotony. No doubt, some of these poems are miraculous. Their beauty does not depend on subject alone. They have a characteristic gift of expression. “Poetry is, above all, an approach to the truth of feeling. A fine poem will seize your imagination intellectually—that is, when you reach it, you will reach it intellectually too— but the way is through emotion, through what we call feeling (Muriel Rukeyser). This apt view is quite true about the poetry collection Dinosaurs Live Among Us by D Everett Newell.

Author BIO
D Everett Newell

My name is Dennis Everett Newell; I am called in no certain order, Denny, Den, Big D, D Everett, and Dennis. It’s funny, but I can usually tell by how someone calls my name, what time in my life we shared. I guess there are many layers to a life that has now spanned 61 years. My middle name, Everett, has been passed down in our family since the Civil War. My great-great-grandfather’s name was Darius Newell, who named his son Silas Everett Newell, my great-grandfather. He in turn named his son John Everett Newell, my grandfather, who then in turn named my dad, John Everett Newell Jr. My dad named me Dennis Everett Newell, and my son is Corey Everett Newell.

Other Publication By D Everett Newell

Memories & Reflections

Memories & Reflections
Dennis E. Newell
ISBN: 81-8253-060-1


Captured Moments

Captured Moments
D Everett Newell
ISBN: 978-81-8253-231-1


Conduits to Heart & Soul

Conduits to Heart & Soul
D Everett Newell
ISBN: 978-81-8253-290-8


Dinosaurs Live Among Us

Dinosaurs Live Among Us
D Everett Newell
ISBN: 9789381696378


Bob's Gettysburg Saga & Poetry

Bob's Gettysburg Saga & Poetry
D Everett Newell & Doug Hodges
ISBN: 9788182535350


I Dream of Clyde Monro

I Dream of Clyde Monro
D. Everett Newell
ISBN: 9788182535770


The Bobble Heads of My Life

The Bobble Heads of My Life
D. Everett Newell
ISBN: 9788182536319


The Best of The Big D

The Best of The Big D
D. Everett Newell
ISBN: 9789381696736


Lower Hanging Fruit

Lower Hanging Fruit
D Everett Newell & Doug Hodges
ISBN: 9789385945267



D Everett Newell
ISBN: 9789388319089


My Friend The Moon

My Friend The Moon
D Everett Newell
ISBN: 9788182538108


Clowns & Silver Balls

Clowns & Silver Balls
D Everett Newell
ISBN: 9788119654413



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