
Keep in touch

Life @ 27

Author: Mir Imran Hussain
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788182534452
Pub. Date: 2013
Price: $13

Life @ 27 is a refresher, a book one of its kind. This book speaks about life, challenges it throws, how opportunities can be created amidst problems, and how negativity in life can be avoided. It talks about how most of the problems in life are self invited and how to avoid them to turn life into a pleasant experience. Life @ 27 speaks about each individual s ability to win in life; life should be embraced and not whacked. Life @ 27 the title itself along with a striking cover page is a head turner. Life @ 27 is a menu catering to all ages; it helps to a great extent in making wonderful and long lasting relationships be it marriage, healthy associations and professional expertise. It talks about why and how words can be used as a great tool to win over life. Life @ 27 gradually grows into a great read. Any reader can relate to one s personal experience whilst reading Life @ 27 . The Index is designed in a way to prepare reader to look forward to the next chapter and be engrossed in reading.

Author BIO
Mir Imran Hussain

Hi! I am Mir Imran Hussain (Mir), a Banker by profession living in Dubai, U.A.E.  Born & raised in Bangalore. Having stayed in Mumbai & later in Dubai I have had the privilege of learning important aspects of life at a faster rate. Although a Banker by profession, yet I always had creative approach in doing my tasks since childhood & soon realised that media is my interest. My areas of interest in media include writing, acting and direction (Film making). 

Other Publication By Mir Imran Hussain

Life @ 27

Life @ 27
Mir Imran Hussain
ISBN: 9788182534452



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