
Keep in touch

The Pheromone Trail

Author: Mohammad Zahid
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788182534346
Pub. Date: 2013
Price: $15

Reading The Pheromone Trail has been a novel experience, an eye-opening, soul-stirring discovery for me. The veil is lifted from something that I carelessly passed by and I stand dazzled. I have watched Zahid grow and always thought it was a run-of-the-mill boy. But once in the midst of the colour and fragrance and brilliance of his mesmerizing poetry, the chords of my being vibrate.

Author BIO
Mohammad Zahid

Born to Mr. Bashir Ahmad Makhdoomi and Mrs Badshah Gowher in 1977 Mohammad Zahid comes from a small but beautiful town, Anantnag in Kashmir. His father was a teacher and educationist, who had a keen interest in English Language and always urged his students to improve their communication skills and explore the beauty of the English Language and in various capacities throughout his life, had a significant contribution towards education. His mother studied Persian Language in the University of Kashmir.

Other Publication By Mohammad Zahid

The Pheromone Trail

The Pheromone Trail
Mohammad Zahid
ISBN: 9788182534346



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