
Keep in touch

Much of Soul

Author: Radhika
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788182534094
Pub. Date: 2013
Price: $14

Much of Soul ... is an insight to the deepest labyrinths of my inner self. The verses are the embodiment of the moments that are etched on my memory and have become a part of me by expressing the intricacies of human relationships as they are and as they seem to be. The myriad shades of the emotions as felt and lived in life are translated into words to bring out the feelings alive.

Author BIO

Radhika holds a Post-graduate Degree in English along with a doctoral degree based on Feminism from St. John s College, Agra. She has been into writing both English and Hindi poems for quite long time but thought of publishing them lately. Her area of interests includes reading and writing Hindi and English poetry, short stories and Novels. The sketches included in this book are her very own as they complement her expression as well as the poems.

Other Publication By Radhika

Much of Soul

Much of Soul
ISBN: 9788182534094



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