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Till the end of Her Subsistence

Author: Dr. Shalini Yadav
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788182534070
Pub. Date: 2013
Price: $14

In the anthology blithely titled Till the End of Her Subsistence the poet, Shalini Yadav sings of the assurance a person needs till the end of her subsistence. The altitude and purity of these poems of high spirit can make a person feel sometime ecstatic sometimes heart-rending. Her words and intent are pure. She is a poet who bears the talent to put her thoughts and impressions across in a way that she would create a visual kaleidoscope in the mind of the reader. It seems her flair for writing is god gifted. Her memories, moments, and reminiscences have been rich resources in chiselling out her thoughts encrypted and decorated with great imagery.

Author BIO
Dr. Shalini Yadav

Dr. Shalini Yadav holds a Ph. D in Postcolonial Literature and is presently working as Assistant Professor in Al-Jouf University, Saudi Arabia. She writes scholarly articles on Language and Literature for refereed journals and anthologies. She has always been passionate about reading fiction and poetry from her childhood. Her cherished has come true in the form of this poetry book.

Other Publication By Dr. Shalini Yadav

Till the end of Her Subsistence

Till the end of Her Subsistence
Dr. Shalini Yadav
ISBN: 9788182534070


Floating Haiku

Floating Haiku
Shalini Yadav
ISBN: 9788182536432



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