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American Orphan - The Life And Times...

Author: Roger Dean Kiser
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 978-81-8253-030-0
Availability: In Stock
Pub. Date: 2005
Condition: New
Price: $11

American Orphan-The Life And Times Of Roger Dean Kiser

These are my stories of my abuse, years that I suffered while living in a Jacksonville, Florida orphanage. The pain, suffering and mental anguish is not easy to read. These stories tell of my feelings. How I took that suffering boldly and how I tried, as best I could, to ease the pain of others. The abuse, hurt and pain I suffered as a child has never left my mind and I feel it as strongly today as I did when I was a child. Forever these memories live with me as a reminder of where I came from and who I am. If the quote above is indeed true, then why I did not turn out to be an abuser. Many who read my stories of my abusive childhood marvel at how I could become a contributing member of society. How I can become a published author with only a 6th grade education, how I can focus on the horrible abuse, and how I earnestly strive, through my books and my media coverage, to seek public and government reform. How can I help others when so much in me goes unhealed? So, why did I not turn out to be an abuser myself ? It is because I could no longer stand to see the pain abuse causes in the hearts and mind of my fellow man. I know the desperation very well. I was there and it happened to me. I cannot recall even one instance where I physically abused my children. I suppose this is because the abuse, the hurt and the pain that I suffered as a child has left such a devastating effect on me I promised myself I would never do this to my children. I find I make that conscious decision everyday. My children are grown and have children of their own. Now, I reaffirm my decision for my grandchildren's sake. I choose not to abuse. It is a decision that I make every day of my life. I help others because I have no choice. When I see the pain of others, my own past reappears and it hurts me so badly. I see myself in their faces, I understand their mental torture, and I know their hopelessness. I need to let them know that I am here and I am a friend. I understand because I have been where they are. Nobody was there for me but I am determined I will be there for them. I must do what I can to save them in order to save myself.

Author BIO
Roger Dean Kiser

Published author and internet writer Roger Dean Kiser's stories take you into the heart of a child abandoned by his family and abused by the system responsible for his care. Through his stories he relives the sadness and cruelty of growing up an orphan in the early 1950s.

Other Publication By Roger Dean Kiser

American Orphan - The Life And Times...

American Orphan - The Life And Times...
Roger Dean Kiser
ISBN: 978-81-8253-030-0


Pearls of Kindness

Pearls of Kindness
Roger Dean Kiser
ISBN: 978-81-8253-109-3



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