
Keep in touch


Author: Adam Donaldson Powell
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788182534032
Pub. Date: 2013
Price: $25

AIDS has changed the world in more ways than we may possibly know. We will never fully comprehend the impact of losing so many people taken by this disease. Their contributions could have altered the face of humanity, the world of art and literature, the rearing of future leaders, the impact on communities, and the hearts of countless individuals. And this is all looking at the impact of AIDS in a broad perspective. It is a disease that, regardless of our own personal admissions, affects us all. However, behind the public fray of communal loss, social change and medical advances, lies the experience of the individual who must still awaken each day with the acknowledgment that they carry inside of them an evident ticking time bomb. No different from the rest of us who live with our own mortality, but distinct in that their clock has a name. That name is AIDS.

Author BIO
Adam D. Powell

ADAM DONALDSON POWELL (Norway) is a multilingual author, literary critic, and art photography critic; and a professional visual artist. He has published several literary books (including collections of poetry, short stories, and novellas, two science fiction novels, and essays) in the USA, Norway and India; as well as numerous works in international literary publications on several continents. He writes in English, Spanish, French and Norwegian. 

Other Publication By Adam D. Powell

The Tunnel

The Tunnel
Adam Powell & Rick Davis
ISBN: 978-81-8253-160-4


Critical Essays

Critical Essays
Adam D. Powell
ISBN: 978-81-8253-110-9


2014: the life and adventures of an incarnated angel

2014: the life and adventures of an incarnated angel
Adam D. Powell
ISBN: 978-81-8253-118-5



Adam D. Powell
ISBN: 978-81-8253-103-1


Rapture: endings of space and time

Rapture: endings of space and time

ISBN: 978-81-8253-082-9


Three Legged Waltz

Three Legged Waltz
Adam Donaldson Powell
ISBN: 81-8253-058-X


Collected Poems and Stories

Collected Poems and Stories
Adam Donaldson Powell
ISBN: 81-8253-028- 8



Adam Donaldson Powell
ISBN: 9788182534032


Entre Nous Et Eux

Entre Nous Et Eux
Adam Donaldson Powell
ISBN: 9789385945779



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