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Volume: VOLUME 7 NUMBER 1 JUNE 2008 (13th Issue)
Edited by: Dr. Santosh Kumar
Binding: Paperback
ISSN: 0972-6004
Availability: In Stock
Publisher:, India
Pub. Date: June 2008
Condition: New
Price: $25

From The Editor

Welcome to the June 2008 TMR! This issue features a collection of poetry, short fiction, artwork, reflections, literary criticism, book reviews etc. The latest issue offers the best of contemporary creative works by famous and emerging talents. A creative artist of today has full liberty in choosing the content and stylistic approach. But unrestrained subjectivism may lead to chaos, and an artist should know where he is going. An increasingly large number of poems received by me for publication in TMR is a testimony to the fact that the future of poetry is immense in this age of tribulation. Poetry is a good substitute for religion and philosophy. "The strongest part of religion is its unconscious poetry. Without poetry our science will appear incomplete; and most of what now passes with us for religion and philosophy will be replaced by poetry" (Matthew Arnold).

I offer my deep condolence at the sad death of famous science fiction author Arthur C. Clarke (1917-2008) on March 18, 08. He is renowned for his best novel 2001: A Space Odyssey. I was intensely shocked when a terrorist attack on Tuesday, May 13, 2008 killed 60 people and wounded 200 people at Jaipur, India, a popular tourist city about 260 km from Delhi. The attempt was to cause the maximum damage to human life, because on Tuesday Hindu devotees visit the temples. I offer my sincere condolence and hope such tragedy will never be repeated.

I'm happy to write that both I and Karunesh Kumar Agarwal have been invited to attend the international literary festival being organized at Oslo, Norway in September 18-20, 08. I'm obliged to the organizers of this event of great importance for providing me this opportunity. I hope by grace of God I shall participate and exchange thoughts with several authors who will travel a great distance to experience, write and find inspiration for their future creative ventures. Norway is famous for Ibsen, one of the greatest authors, and also Nobel Prize winner Sigrid Undset. 

I would like to thank all the contributing artists included in this issue of TMR. I'm obliged to them for their cooperation, kind support, donations and subscriptions. I again express my gratitude to these artists for their useful help in publishing the June 2008 issue of Taj.

Chief Editor

Author BIO

Other Publication By


Dr. Santosh Kumar
ISBN: 0972-6004




Andrea Cook 
Bernhard S. Müller 
Cheryl Antao-Xavier 
Chris Bogert 
Crystal Sons 
Debra Faulconer Baker 
Diane Chilson 
Emilio López-Galiacho 
Eva Lewarne 
Francie Aguilera 
Helen Bar-Lev 
Jason Ferguson 
Karunesh Kumar Agrawal 
Kimmy Van Kooten 
Kyle Basile 
Leopoldo Kram 
Libor Spacek 
Liz Parkinson 
Nicolau Campos 
Rebecca Guile Hudson 
Stephanie Rodriguez 
TheaterOfCrueltyNOH AZSACRA 


Albert Russo 
Catherine Berg 
Joseph A. Burgos Jr. 
Louie Levy 
Sana Rafiq


Joseph S. Spence, Sr.


A. Alan Beck 
Alan M. Danzis 
Andrew Coburn 
Andrew Geyer 
Andrew McIntyre 
Arlene Weiss 
Calisto Mudzingwa 
Carlos Nordquist 
Dave De Fina 
David Valin 
Eric Tessier 
Floriana Hall 
Fran Shaw, Ph.D. 
G. Bodhi  
G. K. Wuori 
Gary Alexander Azerier 
Gary Grenier 
J.P. Farris 
James C. Clar 
Jack Galmitz 
James Skinner 
Janet K. Brennan 
Jared Ward 
Jerry Craven 
Jerry Vilhotti 
Jim Ganley 
Jim Parks 
John Cuetara 
Jonas Knutsson 
Joseph Matchar 
Keisha L. Grant 
Keith Wood 
Kevin Brown
Kevin D. Burgess 
Lucille Gang Shulklapper 
M. Blake 
Philip Keogh 
Reid Laurence 
Richard Rippon 
Robert Wexelblatt 
Robert William Braswell 
Russ Curtis 
Salvatore Cullari 
Stephen E. Shepherd 
Steve Mogg 
Steve Morris 
Terry Sanville 
Thomas Boulan  


Adam Donaldson Powell 
Alan Catlin 
Alan Morgan 
Albert Russo 
Aleta Grimball 
Ananda Selah Osel 
Antonio Veneziani  
Brenton Rossow 
CP Stewart 
Catherine Berg 
Charles Hansmann 
Cherilyn Fry 
Cheryl Antao Xavier 
Christine Magee 
Cynthia Wilson 
D Everett Newell 
David Kowalczyk 
David Vancil 
Debra Faulconer Baker 
Del Senkbeil 
Dimitris P. Kraniotis 
Elizabeth Ross 
Eric M. Vogt 
Ernesto Pangilinan Santiago 
Eugenia Pantecan 
Fabio Croce 
Fran Shaw, Ph.D. 
Gord Alexander 
Heys Wolfenden 
Hirsch Lazaar Silverman 
Iris Loris Sokol 
Jacob Erin-Cilberto 
James Keane 
Jan Oscar Hansen 
Janet K. Brennan 
Jerry Bradley 
Jerry Monaghan 
Joseph Aprile 
Joseph Mayo Wristen 
Joseph Reich 
Julie Bolt 
Jussi Jaakola 
Kent MacCarter 
Kimmy Van Kooten 
Lionel C. Whitehead 
Louie Levy 
Lucille Gang Shulklapper 
Lynda Ortiz 
M. Blake 
Marcia Miller-Twiford 
Maria Cristina Azcona 
Maria Deyana 
Mariia Subotovych 
Mary Etta Metcalf 
Mary Jo Trenkler 
Michael Lee Johnson 
Michaela Sefler 
Prof. Moshé Liba 
Nirvan Hope 
Oliver Rice 
Orania Hamilton 
Raina Hutchins 
Rhoda Galgiani 
Richard Lloyd Cederberg 
Robert Cameron Hazelton 
Robin Pommier 
Roseann Geiger 
S. K. Kelen 
Samuel E. Stone 
Sandy Hiss 
Santosh Kumar 
Shanu Goyal 
Sheryl Joy P. Olaño 
Shirley Bolstok 
Stephen Lloyd Smith
Susan Kathryn de Vegter 
Tatevik Khurshudyan 
Tanya Rucosky Noakes 
Taylor Mali 
Thomai Kontou 
Thomas Atterberry 
Vernon Norris 
Victoria Valentine 
W. S. Mayo 
X&Al Danzabel 
Zyskandar A. Jaimot 


Ban'ya Natsuishi (Japan) 
Cynthia Wilson 
Dean Lawson 
Leslie Ann Arbogast 
Magdalena Dale 
Patrick Ryan Dunn Sullivan 
Sayumi Kamakura



Albert Russo's novel MIXED BLOOD by Moshé Liba


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