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Deep In My Heart

Author: Alka Narula
Binding: Paperpack
ISBN: 978-8182533851
Pub. Date: 2013
Price: $15

At times its difficult to express one's inner most feelings but when poured out the words form poetry . The poetry book " Deep In My Heart " takes you to a different realm . "Although it was only through this slim volume that I have been introduced to Alka Narula's poetry, I understand she contributed to anthologies in the past, and this explains the maturity of her writing; the brevity of her expression (for brevity is the essence of poetry); the sincerity of her emotions; and the courage with which she lets us enter into the privacy of her personal life. She has clearly known both joy and sorrow, and both are her Muse. She writes when she is in the depths and soars when times are better. "Authentic" is the word I am looking for to describe the quality of her voice" Mani Shankar Aiyar (RSMP INDIA)

Author BIO
Alka Narula

Alka Narula, a student of business studies, who probably should have pursued her career in fine arts was born with artistic instincts and a strong colour and aesthetic sense. In mid years of her life she chose interior designing as her career, to satisfy her a creative instincts. She loves to pour her emotions in the form of poetry. 

Other Publication By Alka Narula


Shamsud Ahmed
ISBN: 978-81-8253-326-4


Deep In My Heart

Deep In My Heart
Alka Narula
ISBN: 978-8182533851



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