
Keep in touch

Love Forever

Author: Badal Chandra Ray
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 978-8182533875
Pub. Date: 2013
Price: $15

They give and receive true love with equal passion. These are the words of the Roman poet Catullus, but they are also central to Badal Chandra ray advice for a true love marriage in the passionately written and infinitely informative book Love Forever. If you are considering a love marriage or are already in a relationship, this book will help you make love both successful and true forever. This book guides the reader through 10 steps that will make your love 100% successful: from defining the difference between lust and love, how to understand true love and how it relates to your parents, how to help in one of the hardest decisions you must make in life which is how to choose a partner, how to avoid divorce and so much more. If you are looking to live in love and peace, or are just curious as to how to approach a love marriage, or have not yet found your companion this is the book for you

Author BIO
Badal Chandra Ray
Badal Chandra Ray is very interested to write something by which our society will get some good things and can change to create a lovey environment to live with eternal happiness. From age of 13, He started collecting good articles from daily newspaper and magazines and from age 17, He started writing some small poems stories etc. but He gave more attention to make a career by which He can earn money to give financial support to his family. Till He continued writing in late nights.
Other Publication By Badal Chandra Ray

Love Forever

Love Forever
Badal Chandra Ray
ISBN: 978-8182533875



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