
Keep in touch

I have No Voice

Author: Niraj Kumar
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788182533882
Pub. Date: 2013
Price: $15

I have No Voice is my second collection of poems. How did I begin to pen down my pouring of verses in an alien language remains enigma to me. I was a good composer of Hindi poems since my childhood. But, in the mid-nineties, I underwent the linguistic spin. My poetic sensibility was anglicized. I felt at home with Derek Walcott s Omeros. My first collection was completed during those months. The present work is more nuanced and matured. The language game is the most delightful game and if one can pursue a fusion approach to phonemes. I have tried some Chitrakavya in this volume. I have used Fibonacci sequence to compose verses. I have mixed multiple languages to produce melodic effect. The poems in the Section, God was Never Dead are highly symbolic. The complex interplay of sublime and grosser sense is intricately woven. Haiku, which for me is the last solace of aborted thought, finds space at the end of the book. The expression of the Fukushima disaster through haikus brings to the cavernous fissures of our soul, the sharing of pathos for the humanity in totality.

Author BIO
Niraj Kumar

Niraj Kumar (b.22nd April 1973-) is the author of classic work on Pan Asianism, Arise Asia- Respond to White Peril (2002) (ISBN: 81-87412-089). His work on Indian civilization, Geophilosophy of India and Sriyantra (2013) is forthcoming. He is married and lives in New Delhi. This is his second book of poetry.

Other Publication By Niraj Kumar

I have No Voice

I have No Voice
Niraj Kumar
ISBN: 9788182533882



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