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Bonsaied Rhapsodies

Author: Santanu Halder
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789381696125
Publisher: Rochak Publishing
Pub. Date: 2013
Price: $15

Bonsaied Rhapsodies is my first anthology of fifty poems. First eleven poems of this collection are about childhood .We know that the best years of one s life are the childhood days. The sweet memories of this period are glorious. They have the freshness of a dream. A child has no responsibilities; He is looked after by his parents. He gets everything without doing anything. A child enjoys perfect freedom. He has no worries, no hardships and no troubles.. A child s life is full of innocence. Through my poems I have glorified sinless divine childhood. And the rest of the poems are about my experiences about life, about my writings, my journey towards destination, love, time, and existence.

Author BIO
Santanu Halder

A teacher by profession and a poet at will - Santanu Halder was born and brought up in a small town named Bongaon, near Kolkata, West Bengal. He has done M.A in English Literature and teaching university students for 6 years. A scholar, a translator,an interviewer and a bilingual poet writing in both Bengali and English, Santanu Halder has already authored three books, these are - (1) American Literature for WBSU Students, (2) Old English Literature in a Nutshell and (3) a book on translation. 

Other Publication By Santanu Halder

Bonsaied Rhapsodies

Bonsaied Rhapsodies
Santanu Halder
ISBN: 9789381696125


Divine Sonnets and Other Poems

Divine Sonnets and Other Poems
Santanu Halder
ISBN: 9789385945045



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