
Keep in touch


Author: Balram Cheruparambil
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788182533462
Pub. Date: 2013
Price: $14

How often would a reader get a chance to pen a Foreword to the work of a writer he is delighted with? Well, rarely... and it is how I come into the picture here. Balram Cheruparambil entered the ‘Your Space’ section of Muse India ( a literary e-zine of which I happen to be an editor. Seeing the engaging and impacting quality of his poetry, I gravitated to get in touch with him through email. In a short span - from September 9 to November 26, 2012 - Balram posted 53 poems at the ‘Your Space’ section of Muse India, and all but two of them attracted acclaim from the readership. The two exceptions didn’t receive any negative feedback either.

I am sure that all these features going into Balram’s poetry make his Reflections a book worthy of readily owning, avidly reading, absolutely relishing and heartily recommending... and then of eagerly looking forward to his next creation.


Atreya Sarma Uppaluri


November 27, 2012



Author BIO
Balram Cheruparambil

A voracious reader from childhood, for Balram writing happened naturally and late. Gradually it has gathered force and developed into a natural outpouring of emotions, concepts and images in the form of poetry. He tries to emphasize on the 3 R’s in his poetry namely Rhyme, Rhythm and Reason believing poetry to be first and foremost an aural art form. An engineering graduate plus a post graduate in management heading recruitment for one of the leading companies in the Middle East, this is his maiden venture into publishing his work. 

Other Publication By Balram Cheruparambil


Balram Cheruparambil
ISBN: 9788182533462



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