
Keep in touch

Moments with Moon Sojourn of Life

Author: Abhinav Baruah
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788182533639
Pub. Date: 2013
Price: $15

A collection of Tanka, Haiku and Senryu Abhinav Baruah's Japanese short forms of poetry presented in this book as Haiku, Senryu and Tanka are creatively crafted, and you will find he has an affinity with the moon and embraces her moods with intuitive perception and insight. This allows us to become part of a deeply meaningful and worthwhile experience where we can become at one with nature, and that we may fail to notice on our own.

Author BIO
Abhinav Baruah

Poet Abhinav Baruah's original name is Arindam Baruah who hails from Assam, North Eastern States of India with back ground in Civil Engg. and Management. He works for Central Govt. of India. He is very fond of Japanese style of poetry and writes Tanka, Haiku and Senryu. 

Other Publication By Abhinav Baruah

Moments with Moon Sojourn of Life

Moments with Moon Sojourn of Life
Abhinav Baruah
ISBN: 9788182533639



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