
Keep in touch

Chords of Life

Author: Angad Singh Saluja
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788182533547
Publisher: Cyberwit.Net
Pub. Date: 2012
Price: $14

My book “Chords of Life” is a collection of real life experiences and stories written in the form of both long and short poems which would easily strike a chord with the readers. “Chords of Life” is here to break the myth of people regarding poetry and offer everyone an experience of their life time. The ease of vocabulary, real situations from heart and simplicity in its own sense would make every person witness some chapters of his or her own life through this book.

Author BIO
Angad Singh Saluja

An MBA in Finance from Icfai Business School and with handful of experience in the banking industry, Mr. Angad Singh Saluja has come a long way in the last few years with his entrepreneurial skills after being associated with Reliance Mutual Fund and ING Bank. He now heads his own business of auto security components and also has a firm which caters to E-Commerce supply. He completed his Bachelor of Commerce (Honors) Degree from Delhi University in 2008 and always was seen taking a keen interest in seminars, symposiums, group discussions and debates throughout his student days.

Other Publication By Angad Singh Saluja

Chords of Life

Chords of Life
Angad Singh Saluja
ISBN: 9788182533547



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