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How to change your fears into Gummee Bears!

Author: John Alexander Rawson
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788182533554
Pub. Date: 2012
Price: $10

I mean WOW our heads are BUSY! Who puts that stuff those thoughts in there? Where do they come from? Like when we feel really down and sad. Yes SAD and Yuck! Do you remember the last time you felt really... WOW!! ...What is that pink elephant doing sitting there in front of you? Did you see it? Really? What if I told you that its trunk was green? Yes GREEN. Bright green! Has the trunk turned Orange yet? What happened? Is the trunk green or orange or a bit of both?

Author BIO
John Alexander Rawson

John Rawson has 25 years’ experience in various roles in New Zealand Social Services and aligned industries. He has an Honours Degree in Psychology and Education + 2 years postgraduate training in Child Psychotherapy. He has run his own counseling practice for 4 years and currently works with youth, some children, and adults. He is married with two sons and a large cat.

Other Publication By John Alexander Rawson

How to change your fears into Gummee Bears!

How to change your fears into Gummee Bears!
John Alexander Rawson
ISBN: 9788182533554



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