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Vicious Circle

Author: Dr. Pradeep Pandya
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788182533523
Pub. Date: 2012
Price: $24

This is the most accomplished medical thriller about unholy nexus between medical person and pharmaceutical companies. This book will be very helpful for patients, doctors and society. I trust that the book wil be hailed as a masterpiece. I hope you will like it. This book was originally published in Gujarati and then translated into English.

Author BIO
Dr. Pradeep Pandya

Dr. Pradeep Pandya is a well known Gujarati writer. He is one of the first authors to write Medical thriller. He is the author of four other medical novels which includes, 'The Hospital', 'Barud', 'Tandav' and 'Vish Amrut'. By profession, he is a Nephrologist and the Superintendent of Premdas Jalaram hospital, at Vadodara, Gujarat. He has written more than 40 books, which include 18 novels, short stories and translations by National Book Trust, New Delhi. This Novel is about unholy relations between the medical profession and pharmaceutical companies.

Other Publication By Dr. Pradeep Pandya

Vicious Circle

Vicious Circle
Dr. Pradeep Pandya
ISBN: 9788182533523



Dr. Pradeep Pandya
ISBN: 9788182534292



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