
Keep in touch

World: Inner and Outer

Author: Bhadauria Manish Singh
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788182533592
Pub. Date: 2012
Price: $15

This collection carries two pen images of our world inside and outside. Here the outside world is the common aspect between me and my readers. And inner world becomes the world inside, for every sensitive heart that can feel and heal. It is a showcase of few remembrances, few experiences and few musings. It all starts from observing and follows by thinking and feeling.

Author BIO
Bhadauria Manish Singh

Bhadauria Manish Singh is a teacher and Ph.D Research Scholar pursuing his doctorate on Indian English Poetry. For him poetry is an internal talk and communion of few feelings. It begins with feel, either pain or joy.

Other Publication By Bhadauria Manish Singh

World: Inner and Outer

World: Inner and Outer
Bhadauria Manish Singh
ISBN: 9788182533592



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