
Keep in touch

Voices of Rocks in the Dusk

Author: Romi Jain
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788182533394
Pub. Date: 2012
Price: $12

It primarily deals with the theme of love in light of depiction of deception and tenacious moral convictions. Adherence to principles may result in bitter loneliness, as symbolized by the loneness of rocks in the dusk. Unmindful of the unpleasant outcomes, however, a person of moral integrity would refuse to compromise, as Restraint , one of the poems, says: My passions flowed like a slender stream, sieved by conviction. Your charm certainly shook me as a quake shakes a house: too feeble to bring it down!

Author BIO
Romi Jain

Romi Jain is a poet, novelist and marketing professional. She is currently a Marketing Coordinator in a California-based software company. She did her MBA from San Francisco State University, San Francisco, California. She also holds M.A. and B.A. (Hons.) degrees. Romi has published her debut novel The Storm Within (Indiana, USA, 2008); published poems in International Zeitschrift, Journal of Poetry Society, Poetry Book: A Posy of Poesy; published articles in international encyclopedia(Jefferson, NC,USA: ),McFarland; Asian Profile(Canada); India Quarterly(New Delhi); Indian Journal of Asian Affairs, (Jaipur); and participated in national and international conferences. She had also been a Consulting Editor, Indian Journal of Asian Affairs-an internationally- known journal.

Other Publication By Romi Jain

Poetry! You Resurrect Me

Poetry! You Resurrect Me
Romi Jain
ISBN: 978-8182532175


The Storm Within

The Storm Within
Romi Jain
ISBN: 978-8182532359


Voices of Rocks in the Dusk

Voices of Rocks in the Dusk
Romi Jain
ISBN: 9788182533394



It primarily deals with the theme of love in light of depiction of deception and tenacious moral convictions. Adherence to principles may result in bitter loneliness, as symbolized by the loneness of rocks in the dusk. Unmindful of the unpleasant outcomes, however, a person of moral integrity would refuse to compromise, as Restraint , one of the poems, says: My passions flowed like a slender stream, sieved by conviction. Your charm certainly shook me as a quake shakes a house: too feeble to bring it down!

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