
Keep in touch

Insomnia of Life

Author: Abhijith Jayanthi
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 978-81-8253-336-3
Pub. Date: 2012
Price: $14

Insomnia of Life is a collection of poems which speak about human emotions and how one should learn from nature and her marvels. When we are on a high, emotions keep us happy and grounded; and when we are low – emotions provide us with warmth and bring back the smile - that curve which can set any situation straight.

It is these emotions which give us a sense of belonging, help us live happily and not feel melancholic – a sleepy existence. Every moment is colorful and joyful, it is we who do not take notice of it, if we can – one can find happiness in tiny gestures and warm emotions. Life has offered me many complex emotions and these poems are few of my prized pearls from my oyster – written during various trysts with my emotions.

Author BIO
Abhijith Jayanthi

Abhijith's method in the madness (read: world) so far in life has been that whenever conventional wisdom has tried to show him the path, he has always followed his heart taken the diametrically opposite one. That explains his passion for letters and his interest in writing.

Other Publication By Abhijith Jayanthi

Insomnia of Life

Insomnia of Life
Abhijith Jayanthi
ISBN: 978-81-8253-336-3



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