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Short Stories of Angels, Hope, and Laughter

Author: Floriana Hall
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 978-8182532878
Pub. Date: 2012
Price: $14

Short Stories of Angels, Hope and Laughter by Floriana Hall is a compilation of inspirational nonfiction and fiction. Some stories strengthen belief in Guardian Angels; others convey messages of hope, and the rest bring on laughter. The stories are written in such a way as to connect the reader to the message in a subtle way. The author's style is one that can satisfy book lovers who read any time of the day or night. One chapter can entice the reader to read on. Many of the stories can help people cope with adversity, bring hope to people questioning faith, and the rest will brighten each day with smiles. Life is much better when people can laugh at their foibles. Floriana looks back and creates chapter after chapter of surprises. SHORT STORIES, OF ANGELS, HOPE, AND LAUGHTER is a magnificent collection of real life situations presented in a unique format.

Author BIO
Floriana Hall

Floriana (Berdyck) Hall, poet and author of nine inspirational books, five nonfiction and four poetry, was born in Pittsburgh, Pa. 10/02/27. After many moves, her family settled in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio on 12/7/41. Floriana graduated June 1945 from Cuyahoga Falls High (Distinguished Alumna), eleventh in a class of 167. Her English and literature teachers taught her all she needed to know about writing. She attended Akron University business school.

Other Publication By Floriana Hall

Select Sands of Rhyme and Reason

Select Sands of Rhyme and Reason
Floriana Hall
ISBN: 978-8182531550


Gathering Graces

Gathering Graces
Floriana Hall
ISBN: 978-81-8253-116-1


Simple Pleasures

Simple Pleasures
Floriana Hall
ISBN: 978-8182531666


Touching The Hearts of Generations

Touching The Hearts of Generations
Floriana Hall and The Poet's Nook
ISBN: 0970160046


Short Stories of Angels, Hope, and Laughter

Short Stories of Angels, Hope, and Laughter
Floriana Hall
ISBN: 978-8182532878


Waiting for the Sands of Rhyme and Time

Waiting for the Sands of Rhyme and Time
Floriana Hall
ISBN: 9788192801018



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