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Peering Through a Blindfold

Author: Aditya Gupta
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 978-81-8253-313-4
Pub. Date: 2012
Price: $9

Peering Through a Blindfold is a collection of poetic verses which explore various emotional states of being, through vivid recollections of perceptive and real experiences. As Aditya peers through thoughtless thoughts and sieves through innocuous events, he attempts to verbalize his musings and give them physical form. The book through various forms of rhyme, hopes to connect with its readers, if not relate to them...

Author BIO
Aditya Gupta

Aditya was born in a small town in North India and moved to the capital (Delhi) very early in his life. He is a philosopher trapped in the mind of a poet, trapped in the body of an ex-IITian. He drives faster than you. In the daytime, he lives in a parallel universe where he devours omelette paos and demand models; come nightfall, the pen is his weapon of choice and whiskey is his poison. He is suspicious of happy endings. He currently lives in Mumbai (India) but mostly he lives inside his head.

Other Publication By Aditya Gupta

Peering Through a Blindfold

Peering Through a Blindfold
Aditya Gupta
ISBN: 978-81-8253-313-4



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