
Keep in touch

VOL. 11 NUMBER 1 JUNE 2012

Edited by: Dr. Santosh Kumar
Binding: Paperback
ISSN: 0972-6004
Pub. Date: June 2012
Price: $25

Welcome to Taj Mahal Review June 2012! This issue includes poems, short stories, literary criticism, book reviews, artwork by international artists, and many other interesting features. I hope this massive collection of poems and short stories will reach a worldwide audience. This well-planned and meticulous publication extends the hand of friendship in the true spirit, across the continents.

Our aim is to promote contemporary creative writing and artwork for Peace and Brotherhood across diverse nations. I have included several new authors, lesser known and also absolutely unknown writers for this June issue. The creative artists whose works appear in this edition are selected because of their fresh and true ideas.

It will be very good if we refrain from irreverent criticism of authors. John Keats (1795-1821), one of the greatest Romantic poets who is often compared with Shakespeare due to his phrases charged with a great intensity of imagination, was vehemently criticized by John Gibson Lockhart in Blackwoods Magazine: “The phrenzy of the “Poems” was bad enough in its way; but it did not alarm us half so seriously as the calm, settled, imperturbable drivelling idiocy of Endymion.”

This vituperative and utterly irreverent criticism was quite unjustified. We should not forget that Keats wrote some of the greatest odes, comparable to nothing except Shakespeare’s greatest poetry . One example is the concluding lines of Ode on a Grecian Urn” ‘Beauty is truth, truth beauty’ - that is all / you know on earth, and all ye need to know”. Keats is a Shakespearean poet due to his ‘negative capability’.  I would be failing in my duty if I don’t express my sincere gratitude to all creative artists and poets included in this edition. The truth is that without their generous support and kind help this publication would never have been possible. Many many thanks again for their kind cooperation.


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VOL. 11 NUMBER 1 JUNE 2012

VOL. 11 NUMBER 1 JUNE 2012
Dr. Santosh Kumar
ISBN: 0972-6004



Moshé Liba

Santosh Kumar 

Albert Russo
Andrew McIntyre
Annam Manthiram
D. R. Prescott
Eric Tessier
Gary Alexander Azerier
Larissa Douglass
Moshé Liba
Richard Araujo
Rita Buckley
Robert Wexelblatt
Steve Mogg
Steve Morris
Surbhi Thukral

Aishwarya Pillai
Aju Mukhopadhyay
Alan Britt
Allison Grayhurst
Angad S. Saluja
Anusheel Pandey
Aparna Das
Arkajyoti Samanta
B K Behera
Betty Silberstein
Bharat Sharma Acharya
Bhaskar Datta
Bill Wolak 111
Blair Ewing
Candice James
Chandni Singh
D Everett Newell
David Manning
Doc Drumheller
Devadyuti Nag
Diane Cambern
Diptesh Ghosh
Durga Vijayakumar
Floriana Hall
Fran Shaw
Ipsita Banerjee
Isha Chandaliya
Jack Granath
Kalpit Tandon
Kapil Joshey
Kayla Pongrac
Kudrat Jot Kaur
Lance Nizami
Liang Yujing
Dr Madhavi Grace
Marc Quaghebeur
Maryse Schouella
Masoyo HAS
Megha Mathur
Michael D. Sollars
Mimasha Pandit
Moshé Liba
Mudit Malik
Naren Chapaneri
Neeru Iyer
Nivedita Yohana
Priyanka Dey
R. Janaky
R. W. Haynes
Rashmi Malapur
Rizvana Parveen
Robin Singh
Sanober Khan
Saptadeep Basu
Savita Nair
Shruti Goswami
Shubhangi Joshi
Dr Smita Padmanabhan
Suzie Palmer
Swati Singh Sambyal
Sweta Lal
Tanushree M
Tapan Kumar Bandyopadhyay
Vaughan Rapatahana
Vijay Vidhu S
Will Nichols

Alicia Hilton
Ban’ya Natsuishi
Bill Cooper
Johannes S. H. Bjerg
John Hawk
John McDonald
John Presley
Mary Annie A.V.
Nola Terrassin
Ramesh Anand
Sayumi Kamakura
Shirley Bolstok
Steven Carter
Suzie Palmer
Todd Grant
Yin Lin

Anil CS Rao
Karunesh Kumar Agrawal 

Poetry! You Resurrect Me by Romi Jain
The Evangelies of Birds of Prey by Azsacra Zarathustra

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