
Keep in touch

VOL. 7 NUMBER 2 DEC. 2008

Edited by: Dr. Santosh Kumar
Binding: Paperback & Hardback
ISSN: 0972-6004
Publisher:, India
Pub. Date:
Price: $20

Best wishes for a Happy New Year! May God’s best Blessings make your New Year happy!

TMR  December 2008 brings to the readers a varied collection of poems, haiku,  short stories, artwork, book reviews and many other illuminating things such as literary facts, gems of quotations etc. This journal is publishing  creative writings and artwork for several years.  Without the cooperation and kind support provided by the creative artists included in this issue Taj is inconceivable. I have been receiving an increasingly vast number of  poems, shorter fiction and artwork, but it is not possible to publish each artist due to lack of space. Therefore only those compositions have been selected for this issue, which reveal author’s passionate thinking about life, transcendentalism, mood of the new century, idealism in accordance with reason and commonsense, and concentrating on inner experience.  

With great pleasure I write that both I and Karunesh Kumar Agrawal attended Oslo Literature Festival, Norway : WORDS-ONE PATH TO PEACE AND UNDERSTANDING, 18-20 September 2008. It is a great service, fertile in consequence, to the cause of world literature that Eli Borchgrevink and Adam Donaldson Powell have done to bring together the creative artists from the four continents. Brynjar, Nasra, Thorborg did a lot to make the festival a grand success. A great truth was laid upon us in the Oslo Literary Festival as the authors from Norway, South Africa, France, Spain, Italy, Canada, Uruguay, Sweden and India dined together and revitalized the entire scene by  discussions and interviews about Multilingual literature, current and future trends in electronic publishing, Adam Donaldson Powell  reading five poems in five languages. The papers presented were full of psychological insight and philosophic vision. It is really an unforgettable experience for me to feel ‘exquisite variety and varied exquisiteness’, and remember the glistening images of Oslo festival.  

Hearty congratulations  to Mr. Barack Hussein Obama, 47, on his being elected 44th  President of the United States . He defeated Senator John McCain. I also offer my congratulations to the French writer J.M.G. Le Clézio, for winning 2008 Nobel Prize in Literature. He was cited as "author of new departures, poetic adventure and sensual ecstasy, explorer of a humanity beyond and below the reigning civilization.”  

I’m trying my best to publish talented poets, haiku, short story writers and artists worldwide for Peace and Brotherhood. Biography of each artist is provided in a separate section of the issue. I’m deeply obliged to the authors and artists included in this issue for generous support and kind cooperation in bringing out this edition of TMR.

              Best Wishes for a HAPPY NEW YEAR.

Chief Editor

Author BIO

Other Publication By

VOL. 7 NUMBER 2 DEC. 2008

VOL. 7 NUMBER 2 DEC. 2008
Dr. Santosh Kumar
ISBN: 0972-6004




Alan Rogerson 
Arne Walderhaug 
Francie Aguilera 
Izabella Pavlushko 
Joseph A. Burgos Jr 
Karunesh Kumar Agrawal 
TheaterOfCrueltyNOH AZSACRA 
Vittorio F. Cavalli  


Albert Russo 
Joseph A. Burgos Jr. 
Joseph Aprile 
Louie Levy 
Moshé Liba 
Stan Buchholtz 
Vadim Filatov


Joseph S. Spence, Sr. 
Santosh Kumar 
Steve McCarty


Alan M. Danzis 
Andrew Coburn 
Andrew Geyer 
Andrew McIntyre 
Ann Pinson Cassin 
Eric Tessier 
D. R. Prescott 
Floriana Hall  
Fran Shaw, Ph.D 
G. K. Wuori 
Gary Alexander Azerier 
George Sparling 
James Nantau 
James Skinner 
Janet K. Brennan 
Jerry Craven 
Jim Ganley 
Jim Harrington 
Kevin D. Burgess 
Lynda M Ortiz 
Morowa Yejide 
Nikki Hahn 
Ralph M. DeFrangesco 
Robert Wexelblatt 
Steve Mogg 
Stephen Shepherd 
Steve Morris 


Adam Donaldson Powell 
Alan Catlin 
Albert Russo 
April Bulmer 
Ashutosh Ghildiyal 
Babitha Marina Justin 
Changming Yuan 
Cherilyn Leslie Fry   
Cheryl Hicks 
Chitra G. Lele 
Christine Magee  
Davide Trame 
Del Senkbeil 
Dimitris P. Kraniotis 
Eric M. Vogt 
Ernest Williamson III 
Fran Shaw, Ph.D. 
Gerard Sarnat 
Greta Aart 
Hunter Austin 
J. Alan Nelson 
J.E.M. Wellen 
James Keane 
Jan Oskar Hansen 
Janann Dawkins 
John Hart 235
Juan Carlos Abeti 
Jude Aquilina 
Juhi Sharma 
June Nandy 
Karen A Sperry 
LeAnne Kline 
Louie Levy 
Lynn Strongin 
Mara Ptacek 
Marcia Miller-Twiford 
María Cristina Azcona 
Mariia Subotovych 
Maryse Schouella 
Matthew T. Birdsall 
Moshé Liba 
Nikesh Murali 
Nicholas A. Alvarado 
Oliver Rice 
Orania Hamilton 
Peggy Landsman 
Rachel White 
Raina Hutchins 
Rhoda Galgiani 
Roseann Geiger 
Rose Marie Streeter 
Ruth Sabath Rosenthal 
Shanu Goyal 
Shirley Bolstok 
Silvana Pedrini 
Stephen Pray 
So. Noël 
Suzie Palmer 
Teri Schwartz 
x&al danzabel 
Zyskandar A. Jaimot 


Adelaide B. Shaw 
André Surridge 
Ban’ya Natsuishi 
Dietmar Tauchner 
Doris Kasson 
Doug Ryan (magyar) 
Ferre DENIS 
Geert Verbeke 
George Swede 
Graham Nunn 
Elena Naskova 
John McDonald 
Kimberley S. Jordan-Horte 
Lars Granström 
Nola Terrassin 
Patricia Prime 
Patrick Ryan Dunn Sullivan 
Phyllis Jean Green 
Raffael de Gruttola 
Rano Singh 
Raquel D. BAILEY 
Robert D. Wilson 
Sayumi Kamakura 
Steven Brewer 
Tad I. Wojnicki 
Quendryth Young 



Albert Russo’s Existentialism in Shalom Tower 


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