
Keep in touch


Author: Jack Galmitz
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 978-81-8253-314-1
Pub. Date: 2012
Price: $25

The challenges that face the writers are shared by the readers who receive these smallest of poems and attempt to decipher meanings inscribed on “a letter to the ocean.”  Luckily, the reader is guided by the openness and imagination of Jack Galmitz, who shows us how to play the language games of the poets and not foreclose on possibilities like the blind men with the elephant.  The fourteen pieces that make up this collection of views demonstrate the power of allowing perspectival seeing to give us layerings of meaning rather than one singular message. 

Author BIO
Beth Vieira

Beth Vieira is a student of Zen, haiku, and Japanese. She received her PhD from Johns Hopkins University in Comparative Literature and Intellectual History. She was a professor at the University of California at Berkeley before resigning to pursue a career as a psychotherapist. She has published in Simply Haiku, Contemporary Haibun, and The Heron’s Nest. She has an essay on haiku in the journalfort da and a book length collection of poetry in the anthology Burning Gorgeous.  She lives in Santa Cruz, California, USA, where she spends much of her time with her first love, the sea.

Jack Galmitz

Jack Galmitz began writing haiku in 1999. Awards and Other Honors: Intermittently, some of my poems have been chosen to appear in the annual anthologies published by Red Moon Press, and I was selected as one of the featured poets for A New Resonance 4: Emerging Voices in English-Language Haiku (Red Moon Press, 2005).

Other Publication By Jack Galmitz


Jack Galmitz
ISBN: 978-81-8253-314-1



Jack Galmitz & Fotis Begetis
ISBN: 9788182532328


, and banish all the world

, and banish all the world
Jack Galmitz
ISBN: 9788182538016



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