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God Is Dead

Author: Akshat Sharma
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788182532939
Pub. Date: 2012
Price: $13

Here Akshat Sharma ruthlessly once, twice, thrice is right: only after Death of God naturally are arising the most tragical Ordeals, Battles and Riddles of Pure Spirit and Will to Power. Only these Mutinous Tragical Riddles is the Proud Light and the Sign of Liberation for the Ubermensh. I search myself and therefore me interests only William Blake’s the Triumph of The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, as well as Merge of the Earth and Heavens without cowardice of paradise, hope and rescue.

GOD IS DEAD – based on Nietzsche's principle (Gott ist Tot), is a collection of Poems by Akshat “The Reflection” Sharma. It talks of this underlying subtle transformation of a man into a beast- of how howls are often too silent to be heard- of how a beast is concealed within a human soul. A journey of an endless vigil that often reaches out to eternal continuum of time. It is often desired – to puncture through those hallucinating moments of one's life that are often referred to as PAST , and to break-free of all Future.

Author BIO
Akshat Sharma

Akshat “The Reflection” Sharma is an aspiring poet, growing off from shades of different psyche of human life. A musician at heart, a thinker via soul, and a vocalist by choice – Akshat, writes about anything and everything that can trigger his thoughts to wander aimlessly to a destination of words that would flow out to portray the inbound emotions of a human essence.

Other Publication By Akshat Sharma

VIATICUM - Journey of A Soul

VIATICUM - Journey of A Soul
Akshat Sharma
ISBN: 978-8182531826


God Is Dead

God Is Dead
Akshat Sharma
ISBN: 9788182532939



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