
Keep in touch

Samurai Warrior

Author: Fez McLeod
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 978-8182532816
Pub. Date: 2012
Price: $15

Graphic Novel

From out of the mountains in 16th century Japan comes a dark haired stranger looking for a man that everyone knows. His trek has been long and full of frustration as the legend he is trying to find evades his search. Determined and with purpose, the master swordsman continues on hoping to someday prove that he is the best swordsman in all of Japan.

Author BIO
Fez McLeod

Fez McLeod is a writer/producer/filmmaker from Canada. He has created 2 children's book series called Sassy the Amazing Fire Fighting Rescue Dog and Brave Jack the Flying Squirrel. For adult novels he has written with the help of writer - David Harris - two crime novels entitled Payback and Skavoovee. In his free time he also enjoys writing feature length screenplays. This graphic novel - Samurai Warrior is his first attempt at producing and publishing an illustrated graphic novel.

Other Publication By Fez McLeod

Samurai Warrior

Samurai Warrior
Fez McLeod
ISBN: 978-8182532816



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