
Keep in touch

The Memory of Orchids

Author: Cherri Randall
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 978-8182532656
Pub. Date: 2012
Price: $20

Three women. Three two-year sentences. Three very different crimes.

The Memory of Orchids is the story of three women in prison: Stacey, Mardi, and Kate. They are each serving identical sentences, but the crimes that bring them together range from shoplifting to manslaughter. Their lives before their convictions will ultimately unite two of them, while tearing the other two apart. Afterward, their lives will never be the same.

Readers will be mesmerized and moved by the plight of Stacy Sharp, who is young, smart, pretty—and in prison. Her world is a vivid, raw, darkly comic reality that confirms just how ugly and absurd life can be. And just how beautiful.

--Mark Spencer, author of A Haunted Love Story and The Masked Demon.

The Memory of Orchids pulls you in on page one and simply won’t let you go. Cherri Randall’s punchy prose style and pitch-perfect dialogue make each page a pleasure. Her cast of memorable characters whose lives have taken a wrong turn—or two—will stay with you long after the last page. I found myself rooting for just about every one of them. This novel is full of heart. Everything rings true—a world drawn so sharp and clear it hurts with the pain of human recognition. We may not have all been in prison, but we know these people.

Jim Daniels, author of Trigger Man.

Author BIO
Cherri Randall

Cherri Randall teaches creative writing at the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown. She has an MFA in poetry and a PhD in English literature from the University of Arkansas. She has published in Blue Earth Review, Mudfish, The Potomac Review, So to Speak and several other journals as well as the anthology Impact (Telling Our Stories Press). Her favorite writers include Toni Morrison, Anne McCaffrey, and Lee Child.

Other Publication By Cherri Randall

The Memory of Orchids

The Memory of Orchids
Cherri Randall
ISBN: 978-8182532656



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