
Keep in touch

From The Heart

Author: Lawson E. Vallery
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 978-8182532281
Pub. Date: 2011
Price: $14

The title of this book comes from the fact that all my life I have enjoyed being a storyteller in one form or another. Hence all the poems and lyrics in this is book tell a story about everyday events, some ordinary and some extraordinary. Some are tales that are true. Some are tales that could be true. But true or not, all are written from the center of my heart. The poems in this collection are perhaps about me the writer. Or perhaps about you the reader. Or about someone you know or someone you knew. Maybe even about someone you love or have loved or will love someday. Also perhaps, just perhaps, a few will be about something you hate!

Author BIO
Lawson E. Vallery

My name is Lawson E. Vallery Jr. and I was born in Alexandria, Louisiana; USA in 1943. Before I turned a year old I was moved to Texas. I grew up in the sand hills and oil fields of west Texas around Midland, Odessa and Abilene; "serious" cowboy country.

Other Publication By Lawson E. Vallery

From The Heart

From The Heart
Lawson E. Vallery
ISBN: 978-8182532281



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