
Keep in touch

VOL. 10 NUMBER 2 DEC. 2011

Edited by: Dr. Santosh Kumar
Binding: Paperback
ISSN: 0972-6004
Publisher:, India
Pub. Date: Dec. 2011
Price: $25

An International Literary Journal

Edited by: Dr. Santosh Kumar Binding: Paperback (pp: 222 with a separate section of authors bio) ISSN: 0972-6004 Availability: In Stock (Ships within 1 to 2 days) Publisher:, India Pub. Date: Dec. 2011 Front & Back Cover of "Taj Mahal Review": TheaterOfCrueltyNOH AZSACRA


While selecting poems for including in this issue, I kept in mind that the poems should be full of passion and sincerity devoid of bombastic style, puerility and pedantic conceits. It will be very useful for the authors to get inspiration from Shakespeare's immortal works like are Macbeth, King Lear, Hamlet, Julius Caesar, Othello, Romeo and Juliet, Twelfth Night, As You Like It, The Comedy of Errors, Much Ado About Nothing, Richard II, The Winter's Tale, Cymbeline. Ben Jonson aptly admires the greatest genius in the following words:

Soul of the age!

The applause! delight! the wonder of our stage!

My Shakespeare, rise; I will not lodge thee by

Chaucer or Spenser, or bid Beaumont lie

A little further to make thee a room.

This issue not only includes some of the most admirable poems by the contemporary writers, but also haiku, short stories, art work, book reviews, articles about literature and, self improvement, immortal quotes, startling literary facts, and many other interesting features. Hope you might like this latest edition of Taj Mahal Review.

While including haiku, I have tried my best to include such haiku that don't blindly adhere to the 5-7-5 pattern. Ban'ya Natsuishi, the greatest modern haiku poet, aptly says that muki haiku and non-seasonal poems reveal a new style of expression in contemporary haiku.


It was a day of great joy when Doc Drumheller from New Zealand visited my residence. I along with Karunesh Kumar Agrawal met him for the first time in 2009 in the 5th World Haiku Association Conference and The Druskininkai Poetic Fall in Lithuania, where he became the New Zealand Ambassador to the Republic of Uzupis. It was a proud moment for me to release his latest haiku collection In Transit. He is a marvelous poet and an extraordinary creative artist. He recited some of his best haiku at Cyberwit office. We discussed about the increasing popularity of the haiku genre.

I am highly thankful to my well-wishers and friends who provided me their full cooperation and help to bring out Dec. 2011 issue of Taj Mahal Review. I am quite grateful to all poets, haiku writers and creative artists included in this latest issue for their warm support and help. This issue would not have been possible without their kind cooperation. 



Author BIO

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VOL. 10 NUMBER 2 DEC. 2011

VOL. 10 NUMBER 2 DEC. 2011
Dr. Santosh Kumar
ISBN: 0972-6004



Moshé Liba
Vadim Filatov

Ban’ya Natsuishi

Albert Russo
Andrew McIntyre
D. R. Prescott
Eric Tessier
Gary Alexander Azerier 
Patrick J. Wilson
Richard Araujo
Robert Wexelblatt
Stephen Shepherd
Steve Mogg
Steve Morris

Akanksha Chaudhary
Akshay Ranade
Blair Ewing
Brian McKinnon
D Everett Newell
D Samarender Reddy
Eric Lee
Floriana Hall
Fran Shaw
Harshada Pathare
Jane Blanchard
Jayanti M. Dalal
Jean LeBlanc
Joe Amaral
John Ryan
Jose Maria Lopera
Karl Miller
Katya Ganeshi
Larissa Douglass
Luke Armstrong
María Cristina Azcona
Marshall Bood
Mary Etta Jones
Maryse Schouella
Michael D. Sollars
Moshé Liba
Nabin Kumar Chhetri
Ronja Vieth
Rose Marie Streeter
Ruth Sabath Rosenthal
Ryan J. Davidson
Sharon Cramer
Shirley Bolstok
Suzie Palmer
Ted Mc Carthy
Vanessa Stehr
Vaughan Rapatahana
Vinita Agrawal
W.F. Lantry
Wendy Mary Lister
Yaseen Anwer

Ban’ya Natsuishi
Bill Cooper
Bill Wolak
Doc Drumheller
Johannes S. H. Bjerg
John J. Han
John Mcdonald
Joan McNerney
Nola Terrassin
Sayumi Kamakura
Steven Carter
Suzie Palmer
Yuko Tange


Eleanor Leonne Bennett
Francis DENIS

A book of Moshé Liba "Bush Meat"


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