
Keep in touch

a - round periphery

Author: Ami Rem
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 978-81-920363-4-2
Publisher: Rochak Publishing
Pub. Date: 2011
Price: $14

A pink poet, Ami Rem writes for the sake of dreams. poetry, as he sees is an expression of ancient hymns, filtered in dreams and seen through the mind's eyes. Poetry is every day in every moment of dreams. Inspired by Pink Floyd and Bob Dylan,  welcome to the Pink Dylan show. 

i want to see you

what if utopia is real
as real as fate
like glitter surrounding our place
stars in your eyes.
as i stare from my slumber
beyond our horizons
disintegrating slowly
slower than time
and say, we have a day
i wonder
that day
on our starry date
what you may say.


Author BIO
Ami Rem

A pink poet, Ami Rem writes for the sake of dreams. poetry, as he sees is an expression of ancient hymns, filtered in dreams and seen through the mind's eyes. Poetry is every day in every moment of dreams. Inspired by Pink Floyd and Bob Dylan,  welcome to the Pink Dylan show. 

Other Publication By Ami Rem

a - round periphery

a - round periphery
Ami Rem
ISBN: 978-81-920363-4-2



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