Yes the winds had brought unity to all the trees of every kind. So it is in our lives symbolically the winds of change have come into our lives to change the way we live. God Himself is breaking through for His children. No longer will you struggle in your walk with Him. The winds of change are now shifting the way you think. The word is speaking, “Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, putting on the mind of Christ,” Romans 12:2. Doing only the will of the Father, speaking only His words, the winds of change are bringing harmony to the body of Christ. Just as the coconut palms, the cedar tree branches, the shrub trees, the mango and the peat trees all were in harmony, so will the body of Christ unite on one accord. The winds of change are bringing a move of God that no man can withstand. No more faking it until you make it. No more having a form of Godliness yet denying the power of God. No more lip service. The winds of change are exposing every evil work and are uprooting tentacles of wickedness~ the winds of change are stripping away the lies and deception and is bringing order of the true and living God. The winds of change are banishing self promotion out of the house of God and a Holy reverence is returning for God’s glory shall be revealed. Do you dare to stand against the winds of change? Are the trees wiser than we in joining in harmony? |